• Featured,  Hiking

    Garden City of Seven lakes: Lekhnath

    Named after the famous poet ‘Shiromani Lekhnath Paudel’, Lekhnath holds numerous treasures to offer to its visitors. Lekhnath is located in southeastern part of Pokhara valley, at a distance of 10 km from Pokhara and 181 km west from Kathmandu. Having amity with the mountains, cliffs and and forests, the seven lakes of Lekhnath are Begnas, Rupa, Khaste, Deepang, Gunde, Neureni and Maidi. During Spring season, white lotuses blossom in most of these lakes and make the whole environment blissful. Lotuses smile in the lakes and rivers till summer spreading the fragrance and message of purity. The largest lake of Lekhnath is Begnas lake. Enriching the beauty of this land, the lake…

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